Thursday, 3 May 2012

my story continues....

            Few days after Mirah got released from her life sentence which was a rare case, she went to the grave where he’d been buried and stood over the spot wondering how she had not been able to thank him that day for what he’d done for her.
If she’d give anything back, she’d give her life.

What other thing could compensate for what he had done for her. In the past, she had thought he didn’t love her, the reason why she’d been sentenced to death but he’d been the same one to die for her.
She had broken the rules, disobeyed and taken sides with the enemy and deserved what she got but yet, he loved her enough to make them want to be together. He had said he loved her, even when she didn’t. he had said he would come back for her but here his grave lay and an innocent soul was in it.

Did it have to be this way?

             Her eyes began to pool once more and she dabbed her face with her handkerchief, placing flowers over the grave and letting her hands trace the inscription on the cold stone.
She couldn’t even read and so she stood and watched till the day was beginning to pull the curtains.
Rubbing her face, she was about leaving when she stood petrified. A man had been watching her and he looked so much like the man who had saved her life.
‘’lovely flowers.’’ He greeted. ‘’but why waste them on an empty grave?
Thinking it was a ghost, she froze, unable to say anything or move till he came towards her and touched her. She came back to life again
“its you!’’ she cried and without thinking twice embraced him tightly.
‘’I told you I would come back for you.’’
‘’oh..,oh….’’ Was all she could mutter and let herself bask In his arms of love and comfort. She had forgotten how it was to be loved. And then she remembered whom he was and quickly went on the floor, putting her head to the ground to pay her respect.
“father…, please forgive me.’’ She touched his feet and kissed it.  ‘’I’m sorry’’
He bent low to receive her into his arms again and allowed her to cry, cleansing her soul with her repentant tears and his unbidden mercy.
‘’come into the arms of your father.’’ He whispers and she embraces him again, not wanting to ever let go.
‘’my father, my lover, my savior and my friend.’’ She says without restriction and realizes in truth that he was all she had mentioned and more.
“thank you for loving me.’’ She sobs quietly. ‘’even when I didn’t.’’

He raises her face to look directly into her eyes, the windows to her soul and she can tell that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate her from such love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord
From that moment on, she vowed to live her life for her new master. The only one who had volunteered to give his life for her when no one could

Are you doing the same?
Happy belated Easter and happy reading.

God bless


  1. Wow! I got goose when i was reading this. Especially "He raises her face to look directly into her eyes, the windows to her soul and she can tell that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate her from such love of God"

    God's grace is awesome

    1. His grace is indeed AWESOME!!!!
      tanx toin fr reading and God bless...xox

  2. Beautifully concluded. GOD is indeed LOVE. Thank you for telling our LORD'S story in a wonderful way.

    Because i love you so much my dear, i hereby award you the LIEBSTER award and also TAG you in the game which i call the ELEVENS.

    Oya! do the catwalk to my blog and know the terms.

    1. thank God for the inspiration.
      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!...REally?!!!!!!##blush and ***smiles....thank u so much ma..God bless
      lots of XOxoooosS!!!!

  3. Wow sugaspring! very lovely Easter story. Your question at the latter part of the
    piece made me do a lot of soul seaching.

    I am retracing my steps back to him my dear, our daily life struggles make us forget of how his grace and love is avialable to us. Thanks darling for sharing, very inspiring indeed.

    1. thank u priscy, and thank God. im glad the story helped you trace your steps back to God and to God be the glory!
      as about our daily lives and what we go through everyday that makes us to become so familiar with God and sometimes take his grace for granted not realizing the extent to which we are allowed such.
      tanx fr reading priscy...xoxo!!!

  4. The continuation was worth the wait. very touching.... indeed, God's love is incomparable

    1. as in u got it right eyesoftruth!!!
      God's love is soooo incomparable and amazing filled with so much grace and mercy...
      thanks of reading and God bless...xox

  5. Hmmmmm! I'm loving this. I should start at beginning, I guess. Nice one! Nice blog. I'm definitely a follower!

    1. thank you geebee and God bless
      im sure u wud hv started seeing my handwork on ur blog..#smiles***


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