this heat in Lagos presently ehnn...chai!!..
it is something else. it can make you wonder what the big deal is with Mr. Sun..and you're like.."haba! it's not a competition now, you'll be the hottest of heavenly bodies which the earth revolves round.
i think of this and something pops up.."you're talking to the sun like he can hear you..thats where it all starts, why don't you talk to the ONE who created the sun. he can hear you.''
and so Father Lord, i pray you send down rain.'' xoxo
So many things have happened, from learning new things and from realizing that the only important thing in this life after its all been said and done is where we'll spend eternity. so many young people dying these days.., so many crazy things happening. incest rape, killings, and all sorts but i know one thing..
"I shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrows that fly by day.''
I'm learning to shut up when i should. gosh! its so not easy
Have you ever heard an incident or hear people talk and you're like
people dont fear God..mere man that today is a flower and tomorrow withers away and you talk like you own life itself.
what to do?
Pray for them, that God may open their eyes for the '
god' of this world had blinded them. cos come to think of it..Seriously!..if that person dies tomorrow, what next? will he still have mouth to talk?
well, just so you know...prayers cannot be said for the dead...once dead, you're gone.
I have so much more to write, i know i've been away for a while and i just had to put up something.
so apart from reading that a nine year old is reading "
50shades of grey'' which is quite devastating enough most especially in this present world we're living in and making me to wonder why a housewife would write a book like that thinking children and teenagers won't get their hands on it and she's like..."oh no!..i dont want teenagers reading that book...'' c'mon! who are you fooling?
even me myself moi is like WT!!!!!! is this and how come people think this is okay?
Well, guess what Madame!!!! loads of kids will get their hands on that book and the world can say all sorts for all i care but know one thing.."you reap what you sow.''
We shall all give account of everything we do either you like it or not, believe it or not...
okay, I don't know why i just spilled all that right now and took it kinda personal..maybe its because i'm a little angry at the way we take little things for granted, or the way people keep coming into the pharmacy knowing they''re hurting themselves with whatever they're doing and are bent on doing what is in their heart.
or maybe its because people are trying to be diplomatic and cover the truth.., put into the bible what isnt there, or try to make God conform to their own ways than they conforming to his
its NOT just right
God is more than all of this, more than what you can ever imagine and is NO respecter of anybody! Yes, he is LOVE..HE reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy LOVES US SO..but a time will come when our cards have to be placed on the table.
If it's not godly, it's not, don't try and make it look that way. Don't give us bible verses or call God's name to make people sit comfortably in their seats. Dont try and tell me 'we're helping God.'' or "we watch porn to improve our sex life.''
Well, the bad news is..even the people right there in the porn act need God's divine intervention. dont believe me? you think it's normal for adults to have sex for the whole wide world to see all in the name of money? and people have gotten depressed afterwards and fallen into sin?
You think its just TV? you think the world runs on its own and whatever happens happens? You think the whole antagonism against God is just normal and its "one of those things?''
Think again!
You can never be warm or you get spewed. You are either Cold or Hot! shikena!
You are either for God or the small small, little little.."thats the way we roll baby.''
Satanists are not ashamed to talk about their master, so why should you? in fact they throw it into our faces everyday and yet God mutters to you to talk about him and you're like.."what will people think?''
People call God or talk about God or talk about Purity and it's seen like ewo!!..abomination..kai!! it is impossible.
well, tell that to your creator when you get there. if it wasn't possible, he wouldn't have sent Jesus, and He wouldn't have requested that We be holy, and we should present ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!
A Lady or Guy says he/she wants to keep herself and the thing is all over the news and people are like.."umm..haar...hoor.., he probable prefers having sex with men etc.If that same person becomes a dog overnight, the same paparazzi are the ones that will carry the scandal o! yeye people
Do not cast your pearls before swine my dear..Yelz! the bible says so. Those people that cannot understand what you're doing and want to bring you down with them.
Dont bother arguing with them.
Just pray for them abeg. You don't convict people of their sins. God does and it's who he wills that will come to Him. Do your part and leave the rest for God.
Me i'm not claiming Perfection ooo!!..or Holy Miss or Saint stuffs,
in fact, i'm asking God for mercy and grace knowing i cant do it on my
own and if i continue my nonchalant attitude, i will meet with my maker one day
and everything i've done, coded and uncoded will be displayed.
my motives for doing things, my actions and my words will be passed through fire to be tested.
Whoosh!!! Now this is a long post...
How i got all this out, i don't know...
ok..see ya!